We are constantly on the lookout for new and effective prevention methods to integrate into the range of examinations we offer. We put together an individual programme for each patient depending on his or her particular risk factors. Additional examinations carried out as part of the check-up can be:
Intestinal cancer grows very slowly and can usually be cured completely if it is recognised early enough. In a colonoscopy the precursors of cancer – known as polyps – can be clearly recognised and removed straight away. The first colonoscopy should be carried out at age 50 at the latest and earlier if other members of the family are affected.
German health funds only pay for colonoscopy from age 55. That’s too late. The Prevention Report produced by DIAGNOSTIK ZENTRUM Fleetinsel shows that over half of the polyps and tumours found were in people younger than 55. The prevention offered within the public healthcare system would have come too late for these people.
This examination is recommended for people with unexplained symptoms in the upper abdomen, frequent heartburn or bad breath that is not caused by periodontal disease or poor dental hygiene.
In a gastroscopy an endoscope is passed through the mouth, oesophagus and stomach as far as the duodenum. This makes it possible to recognise any changes that could signal disease and to take tissue samples.
Anyone who has smoked a box a day or more for many years has a greatly increased risk of lung cancer. Low-dose computer tomography makes it possible to recognise malignant changes at a very early stage. A conventional chest x-ray shows up only 14 per cent of the small tumours that are visible with low-dose computer tomography.
An examination recommended for people with an increased risk of heart attack. The risk factors include: high blood pressure, diabetes, overweight, elevated LDL-cholesterol levels, nicotine use and high prevalence of heart attacks in the family.
Calcium scoring is a reliable way of measuring the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. The amount of radiation involved is quite small. There is no need to inject a contrast agent.
With conventional methods such as an exercise ECG, changes in the blood vessels can only be detected when they are already far advanced. Calcium scoring allows changes to be diagnosed while they are still easy to treat.
Conducted if the results of the urological part of the basic check-up raised any cause for concern. Rectal ultrasound examination of prostate gland and work-up by the urologist.
Chronic sinusitis, constant hoarseness, hearing problems or tinnitus, blocked nose – if you experience these symptoms, an ear, nose and throat check is sensible.
In everyday business life a body is exposed to many different stresses. Long spells sitting at a desk, in meetings or in aircraft can lead to musculoskeletal problems. In just 30 minutes we look at the current state of your musculoskeletal functions and give recommendations for definite courses of action.
In this check we look at:
After the check-up every participant receives recommendations for action and, if appropriate, practical exercises to compensate for any deficits that may have come to light.
A balanced diet is one of the most important requirements for a healthy, fit body. This is true for everyone, not just for people with allergies and metabolic diseases. If our specialists find that you have symptoms of dietary deficiency or unhealthy eating habits we draw up a dietary plan adjusted to your private and professional environment.
To help us analyse your dietary habits precisely, you record everything you eat and drink each day over a one-week period. We subject this information to a computer-based evaluation process and then explain the results to you in a personal consultation. We draw up a personal nutrition plan on the basis of our analysis and show you healthy alternatives to your previous eating and drinking habits.
An individual performance assessment helps you get more familiar with your own body and understand how it reacts to training stimuli. A graduated exercise tolerance test with lactate measurement provides the scores needed to evaluate your stamina. We provide you with a 3-month training plan, a practical aid to improving your performance and reaching your personal training goals.
Performance assessment is just as important for beginners as for people already involved in recreational or competitive sport.
Many additional examinations are possible. They depend on consideration of each individual’s personal risk profile. We’ll be happy to advise you. CT and MR examinations will be carried out if particular questions arise.
Intense professional and private stress and problems can lead to mental and physical symptoms. If your mental equilibrium is in danger or if you fear burnout, a psychotherapeutic consultation can help to clarify your situation and open up new perspectives.
If further consultation or therapy is needed, DIAGNOSTIK ZENTRUM Fleetinsel will try to organise this for you. You can arrange to have a psychotherapeutic consultation at our centre immediately after your medical check-up if you feel this would be helpful.